I Wish I Could…


If it is true that COFFEE keeps a person awake, I wish I could just drink coffee like my friends do, just so I could finish everything that’s needed to be done.

On why I don’t drink coffee is beyond my control.

127672499v3_350x350_frontIt’s tested and proven. My body system doesn’t allow coffee intake. If I have to drink coffee, then I’ll run the risk of throwing up anytime, anywhere. And it already happened, not once, not twice – I lost count!

Anyway, I am so lost. I need to get done with a lot of school stuff. I know I’ve had enough of breaks – beer breaks, yosi breaks, tambay breaks, movie breaks, breaking necks and breaking legs. AND I am happy with all that, all in the name of friendship.

Tambay Moments

Tambay Moments

Now, pressure is striking me hard. I have to temporarily set aside my moments of oversleeping, overcrying, and OVERSPENDING! God! I’m dead broke.

Days have passed with me crying over a lot of stuff, and I have to tell myself to stop, at least for now. Yesterday, I received a call. And after telling myself not to cry at least for a day, I found myself crying once more. Damn. I hate it. But as much as I hate crying about it, I know I won’t get over it sooner.

For now, I need to work, regain my senses, and start spending my sleepless nights again, all in the name of my future.